Current Needs

(Updated 06/24)

Street Squad Challenge! Help our Outreach team connect with and help men and women experiencing homelessness by purchasing items off our Amazon Wish List.

Bottled Water
Canned Fruit
Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Ground Beef, Chicken Breast, Chicken Thigh
(Food products are best in large quantities of the same product.)

Hats (Winter, Baseball Hats, etc)
Men’s short and long-sleeve shirts.
NEW Men’s underwear
Men’s Pants
NEW Socks Men’s & Women’s All Sizes

Toiletries and Medicine Plastic Portion Cups (2 oz.)
Pill Boxes
1 Gallon Sized Liquid Body Wash, Hand Soap
Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap
Razors, Socks, Deodorant
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
Body Lotion, Socks
*Unused Travel size or sample size welcomed!

12 ounce soup bowls.

*** If you would like to drop off items, please read the information below ***

Food and food serving items may be dropped off at the kitchen at 3075 Veda St. Redding, M-F 8am-4pm
Bedding, clothing, and toiletries may be dropped of at the Distribution Center: 3050 Veda St. Redding, M-F 8am-4pm