Get or Donate Clothing

If you or someone you know is in need of clothing or other items, a voucher may be obtained at our Guest Services office located next to the Mission’s emergency shelter at 3100 South Market Street. Vouchers may be obtained from Monday to Friday between 8:00 am and Noon. A completed, signed voucher is needed to “shop” at no cost in the Distribution Center located at 3050 Veda Street.

We also take donations of clothing and small household items. Please contact the Distribution Center for details on what donation items are being accepted at (530) 229-2953.


  • To Shop*: M,T,W,F 7:30 am to 2 pm (a voucher is required to “shop” for clothing or other items).
  • To Donate items: M-F 8:00 am to 4 pm