Redemption Road – The David Pot Story

Posted 05.02.2024

Redemption Road: The David Pot Story There are some tough nuts to crack among humankind…from those who outright reject God—doing whatever seems right in their own eyes—to those who know the truth, yet allow shame and guilt to keep them from surrendering all. David Pot belonged to the latter category. And it would take decades […]

A Friend Who Remains – A Tribute to Gordon Glynn

Posted 05.02.2023

“There are places I’ll remember All my life, though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some have gone and some remain All these places had their moments With…friends, I still can recall… In My Life- John Lennon & Paul McCartney Life can bite hard sometimes, and no one knows this better than my […]

Heather’s Story

Posted 07.24.2020

She Said “Yes.”   Eventually, living “on the edge” will cause you to fall off.  But even then, there’s a God who’s there to catch you. Imagine you’re a young mom who missed your son’s first day at kindergarten because you’re in jail … for the second time. Your crime? Stealing to support your meth […]

Alan’s Story … and Our Story

Posted 07.06.2020

Alan’s Story … and Our Story by Jenni Keast Meet Alan. He just spent the last hour cleaning up a homeless encampment. He’s been living there since being released from prison. In 106-degree heat, it’s an exhausting and risky business—especially for a 60-something year-old man with a host of medical challenges.