When is check in time for overnight shelter guests?

  • First time shelter guests can come 24 hours a day. However, once established, guests that are staying with us for the night are required to check in by 7:00pm.

Do guests have to leave during the day?

  • Our Day Resource Center (currently in Dining Hall) is open from 8:00am-4:00pm

What hours are services available?

  • Daily Meal Times: 6:30am, 12:00pm (1:00pm on Sunday), and 5:00pm (Dining Hall/Bridge Building at 3075 Veda Street).
  • Chapel: 6:00pm daily (Dining Hall/Bridge Building at 3075 Veda Street).
  • Resource Center: Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm (closed 12-1pm – 3100 S. Market Street).
  • Day Resource Center: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm (Dining Hall/Bridge Building at 3075 Veda Street).
  • HOPE Clinic: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Clothing/Distribution Center Drop-Off: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:00pm (3050 Veda Street)
  • Clothing/Distribution Center Hours to Shop: M,T,W,F – 8:00 am to 2:00 pm – a voucher is required to “shop” for clothing or other items. Vouchers must be obtained at the Resource Center between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.

How does someone apply to the Drug & Alcohol Recovery Program?

  • Applications for the Good News Rescue Mission Recovery Program are available online or by calling (530) 242-5920. Applications are reviewed and applicants are interviewed and evaluated for program. Participants are not required to have a faith based background. Currently, the programs allow for 40 men and 36 women.

What services are available to assist the community with the issues of homelessness, poverty, and addiction?

  • In addition to our onsite services, we offer facility tours, informational resources outreach training, meal ticket cards, referrals to other local agencies, property clean-up, presenters available to speak to your local church, business, or community group, and a 24 hour phone line to call with questions (530) 242-5920.

Do you have to be homeless to use the services at the Mission?

  • No. We have many community members that utilize the services at the Mission including our distribution center, medical services, and food services that do not stay with us at night. The Mission offers these services as a preventative measure to help keep people in their homes longer.

What services are available to someone in need?

  • The Mission has a variety of services available on site including: food, shelter, clothing, medical and dental care, recovery programs, work search, money savings program, job training center, holiday food assistance, laundry services, showers, as well as referrals to other agencies in the community.

Does the Mission accept funding for AB109 or give special priority for these individuals?

  • NO. The Mission does not accept any government funding nor reserve special beds for any segment of population. AB109 is an early release initiative for qualifying inmates from prison. The individual is required to return to their last community of residence prior to their incarceration.

Does the presence and activities of the Mission encourage or cause the increase of transient homeless?

  • NO. The annual homeless survey shows that the majority of those who are homeless in our community are from our community. The Mission is actually deterring homelessness through active restorative programs for individuals to break the cycle of homelessness. Every year, the Mission successfully is able to assist many people in obtaining permanent housing and jobs.

Does the Mission hand out sleeping bags, tents and blankets to encampment homeless population?

  • NO. The Mission does not hand out any blankets, tents, or sleeping bags. We gratefully accept donations of sheets, blankets, towels, and more to utilize nightly for our shelter guests. Last year we provided over 72,000 nights of shelter.

Is the Mission Safe?

  • The Mission runs screenings for sex offenders to ensure safety of the children. Negative incidents in relation to guest population is relatively low. On a daily basis the Mission only encounters a few incidents and some of those are medically based.

How long can someone stay at the Mission?

  • Our goal is to see our guests break the cycle of homelessness, so as long as we see they are being proactive in breaking the cycle they are able to stay at the Mission on a night by night basis. While staying at the shelter, they can join programs like the Money Savings Program (designed for those who are employed and are required to save a certain percentage of their income), the Work Search Program (designed for guests that are seeking employment), and the Social Security Disability Program. These programs offer additional benefits like having a dedicated assigned bed, use of laundry service, and locker rental eligibility.

Are there any exclusions to someone staying at the Mission?

  • The only exceptions we have are for minors without a parent or guardian and registered sex offenders. However, for the safety and consideration of other guests and staff, guests may be asked to leave if they exhibit inappropriate behavior.

Does the Mission discriminate based on religion?

  • While we are a faith based organization, our services are available to anyone in need regardless of their religious affiliation.

How do you handle medications?

  • All guests are required to turn in their medications when they arrive. There are many reasons for this including prevention of theft and improper consumption. However, we offer several times throughout the day when guests can access their medications.

Who can we contact if we have someone in need?

  • The Mission has someone available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • You can contact (530) 242-5920 during business hours or (530) 241-5754 for the 24-hours a day.

How can I help at the Mission?

  • 99% of Mission services are provided by our community volunteers…and there are so many ways to volunteer. Sign-up today to volunteer at https://gnrm.org/apply-to-volunteer/
  • If you’d like to help us financially, please go to gnrm.org/donate or drop off a donation at 2842 S. Market Street.