A Gift of Time – Jennifer’s Money Savings Story

Posted 06.04.2024

Read About It:  The Money Savings Program: Laying the Groundwork for a Brighter Future A Gift of Time – Jennifer’s Money Saving Story Jennifer came to the Mission destitute and with a serious medical condition. After her mom died on her first day on the job, Jennifer  had no one left…no family at all.   Soon […]

Three Money Savings Stories- Leon, Candace and James

Posted 05.29.2024

Read About It:  The Money Savings Program: Laying the Groundwork for a Brighter Future A Dream Deferred: Leon’s Money Savings Story “Living in my own house vs. in a group home or on the street has been my dream ever since I was in my 20s!” At age 57, Leon has been around the block […]

Redemption Road – The David Pot Story

Posted 05.02.2024

Redemption Road: The David Pot Story There are some tough nuts to crack among humankind…from those who outright reject God—doing whatever seems right in their own eyes—to those who know the truth, yet allow shame and guilt to keep them from surrendering all. David Pot belonged to the latter category. And it would take decades […]

There’s No Place Like Roam

Posted 09.07.2022

34-year-old Roam Madrid spent most of his life on the run—while secretly yearning for a place to call home. Then, while standing before a judge waiting to be sentenced, God spoke five little words to his orphaned heart…changing the course of his life.   “You who are on the road Must have a code that […]

A League of Her Own

Posted 12.21.2021

‘You don’t belong here…you were made for better things than this.’ That’s what the stranger on the street told her. And so it began. It would take Deena finding out where she didn’t belong, to discover where she did. And it would take a hardened street guy who had given up hope for his own […]

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